Exceptional Invisalign Financing Available!

Exceptional Invisalign Financing Available!

Exceptional Invisalign Financing

Exceptional Invisalign financing now available to our Patients!

For a limited time only, exceptional Invisalign Financing, a “No Money Down, 24 month repayment plan”,  is now available for patients who want a better looking smile at DeSenze Dentistry, a 5-star rated Dentist in Pompano Beach!

For more information about this special financing package, call our office at 954-785-3210 or leave us a call back message at: https://www.desenzedentistry.com/contact-us/


About Invisible braces:

Straight teeth and a revitalized smile may no longer need to come from a mouth full of unattractive wire and bracket braces. Enhancing self-esteem and physical confidence, invisible braces offer an esthetic and barely visible alternative to conventional wire/bracket braces.

While invisible braces may not be suitable for certain misalignment cases or the complex bite problems that are better addressed by traditional orthodontics, invisible braces can be used to treat the following conditions:

  • Overbite or overjet
  • Crowded or widely spaced teeth
  • Crooked teeth

Invisible braces are designed for adults and older teenagers but are not recommended when baby teeth remain. Children and younger teenagers faced with orthodontic problems will require traditional metal braces with brackets/wires on the front of the teeth. However, only your dentist or orthodontist can determine if you are a candidate. The alternative treatment was designed primarily for adults due to the need for absolute and rigid cooperation; the “trays” are worn 22 hours per day and should not be forgotten or lost.

Invisible braces such as Invisalign are a series of clear, removable aligners custom-fit to your teeth to provide virtually irritation-free treatment with minimal adjustment discomfort. Clear aligners are nearly invisible, minimally invasive and resistant to clouding from wear. With clear aligners, there are no brackets to come off or wires to break and poke. Clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking and special events, making it easier to brush and floss.