How long should I brush?

How long should I brush?

The average person brushes 2 minutes a day.

The average person should brush six minutes a day.

Make brushing more interesting and start brushing with the SONICARE electric toothbrush. It helps with plaque removal, improves the health of your gums and naturally whitens your teeth.

Contact our office or call 954-785-3210 to schedule an appointment.

Make your appointment within the next 30 days and receive our special promotion:

$30.00 off Philips SONICARE electric toothbrush

Healthy Teeth Habits Dental Hygienists Swear By

Although recent news reports have questioned the benefits of cleaning between your teeth, using an interdental cleaner (like floss) is an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also reaffirmed flossing as “an important oral hygiene practice” in an August 2016 statement.

The American Dental Association recommends cleaning between your teeth once a day. This is important because plaque that is not removed by brushing and flossing can eventually harden into calculus or tartar. Flossing may also help prevent gum disease and cavities.